Well,  as you can see, I haven't been blogging much lately.  It's been a rough winter here in Montana.   In previous posts, I may have wrote about trying our luck here, since I was no longer working.  Well....We haven't even been here for a year, and we are already moving back to Washington.  

      We moved here at the end of June (2013).  The summer heat made me sick last year....which is EXTREMELY weird since I grew up in Washington's Desert....The summer a around there (which I gave lived in since my surgery) huts the triple digits regularly.   It didn't in Big Timber....but it almost felt like it was Moist Heat w/of humudity.  I don't know, but I really struggled that summer.  Air conditioning is also really difficult for me because my right side freezes even thought I'm hot and felt like I was over heating.... The result of overheating is me Very sick in the bathroom.

I also found out that St. Jude rep was no longer working with them.....that meant that he could no longer program me....Now, no one really understood the relationship between my St. Judes rep besides my Partner Christina.   Peter was amazing.   He was able to program my stimulator like nobody else!  They places the leads under my C2 next to my spinal cord.   They were really hoping to cover my Right arm down to my hand, as well as my neck pain.  

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