Well, on Monday The Doctor's office Called to check on me as they knew that since we got rear ended, I've really been struggling with my Neck Pain.  My Stimulator also quit working during this period of time, so basically...I was back to Square one, after everything we had just been through to try and at least get the RSD under control.  My St. Jude's Representative that does all my programing, is AMAZING.  There are not enough ways for me to express how amazing he really truly is.  If every St. Jude's Rep is like him and the others that I have interacted with, then they alone are enough reason to do this.  They will drive hours to meet you so that your programing is benefiting you the most.  They spend countless hours thinking about what stimulator is right for you, what will best help your pain...ect.  They are there with you through the discussion about the stimulator, they never leave your side.  They are a WONDERFUL group of people.  Well, I had met with Peter immediately after I realized that my stimulator was off, and I couldn't turn it back on.  He was able to determine that the two leads that I used the most to get the stimulation down my entire arm, so it would help my hand, arm, shoulder, and we even hoped my neck.  Well....unfortunately, those 'connectors' on my leads, couldn't push the current from the stimulator through the built up scare tissue.  So...for now, this is bad news...we had to reprogram my stimulator with the other options, which unfortunately don't work as well.  They work about half as good as the two that stopped working did.  So, even after two programming sessions, we realized that we would have to accept the way it is for now.  He did tell me that it may change in the future, and all we can do, is just keep testing the resistance when we reprogram it the next time.  Hopefully it will eventually be able to push the current back through.   In the meantime, my doctor and I were just trying to find different ways to manage the pain.  The burning is back in my arm.  There are many times now that I can't set my arm down, as it feels like it did all those years ago.  The weird thing, is the burning is in a specific location, and does not move out of that area.  It's on the under side of my right fore arm.  The spot that would normally either touch when resting your arm on something.  My pinky finger is extremely sensitive again, and there are times when I can't open doors, drinks, ect around my own house again.  So, after all the above has been updated in my file, the head doc of the Office wanted to see me.   I'm honestly not quite sure if at first he believed me that it was getting this bad.

     He came over to me to do the physical exam, and was really pushing on the muscles.  He seemed quite surprised to see my muscle spasm'ing from my neck down my back.  He also noticed that My muscles were bulging in spots, and so he thinks that some injections that he does will help those muscles calm down.   He also really wants to try the Botox injections again, and now that my insurance is changing, maybe we can get it approved.  I told him I was willing to try anything as long as it will help.  There are times that I can't turn my head enough to even try to stretch it.  It's really hard to force yourself to stretch, and move something that already hurts so bad to move it.  But.....the most important lesson I learned from my Physical Therapist, was to NEVER STOP MOVING.  The day to reduce your movement, or your attempted movement, is the day you begin acquiring another problem....muscle atrophy....When you quit using your muscles, they deteriorate, which will also reduce the amount of movement you have, and will also intensify your pain.  It is very hard to continue to move something that already hurts, and only hurts more when you use it, or when something touches it.  But, the end result is worth it.  Now, chances are, you will never have a physical career with a diagnosis of RSD, but I still work every day.  I work in a call center, and I do have to use my hand every day, and it does hurt...I just manage how much I use it, and I've learned how to do everything with my left hand. 
      My first injection will be on March 26th at 2:15 PST.  So, hopefully I will know then just how they will help, if it helps at all, and how many I would have to continue to do.  He said they were comparable to the Nerve Blocks I had, but these are for the muscles, and not the nerves.  That's why they can be done in the Procedure Room, and we don't have to go to the hospital.  When I got my temporary nerve block, that was also done there in the office.  And that was injected into me. 

Alright...I'm going to go and have lunch with the Love of My life, and probably the only person in the world willing to stand by me   
3/10/2013 06:57:10 am

Wow Tanda! That is a lot to take in just by reading it. I cannot even begin to imagine what it is to live with it personally. And it is weird reading this. I know most of it (pieces anyway) but it takes a whole new spin reading it on your page. I don't know why. I sincerely hope the injections help dramatically and that your two favorite settings on your stimulator will once again work for you. Much sooner than later or never. You are an incredible woman. Not only are you living with this and continuing your life, but you are now sharing in the hopes of helping others. And if you weren't so darn STUBBORN..... you would have stopped using your arm long ago. Keep up the good fight and let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I know it's on a completely different level than with Ray, but there are others willing to stand by you, my friend! Chin up! YOU GOT THIS!!!! ;-)

10/11/2013 02:59:21 pm

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.


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