I will continue updating this with the diary of my procedures......
At first we couldn't figure out why I was so swollen after this 5.5 hour procedure, but, then we found out I was face down the entire time.   It was SO hard to open my eyes cause they were so swollen.  Same with trying to take a drink!  lol

This is one of the first pictures of my incision at all.  We were still at the hospital, and they were checking the incisions prior to releasing me.

Another view of the incisions....  I loved how nicely they stitched the one that nobody would see, but the one on my neck looked Crappy!!!!

This picture was a bout a month or so after the surgery happened.  Their was actually a few internal stitches that took about a month or so to work their way out.   They were extremely painful!!!!

The amount of red is partially a sunburn I got the few days before surgery.
Feeling 10 feet tall and bullet proof!!! this was about 10 minutes before i went back....
Nina Jones
4/28/2013 06:45:28 am

I hate the pic if you all swollen up. Makes me wanna cry every time I see it. Oh...and nice job getting a sunburn right before the surgery!

Tanda Pederson
4/28/2013 08:59:15 am

Christina hates that one too!!! She couldn't understand what happened and why I looked like that! They finally told her its cause I was face down for 6 hours while they worked on me..... Lol.

10/12/2013 12:28:24 am

It is a fine thing to have ability, but the ability to discover ability in others is the true test.


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