The Procedure was originally scheduled back in march.  They are thinking the car wreck we were in at McDonald's in February may have caused more trauma.  Today, we actually had the procedure.  At first, I was not sure what at all to expect.  I actually did more research one we got home, then I did before hand.  Honestly, I have found that this usually results in me having less anxiety.  If I have done research (then you add the fact that I am a Medical Assistant) can actually cause me to have a panic attack and extreme bouts of anxiety when I know they are not following the correct (or what I THINK is the correct procedure).  So, before I went in, I actually took my medications.  :)  Plus, now that I am very aware of this whole anxiety issue, it makes it much easier for me to process and deal with it because I am aware of it. There is a website I was referred to if I had any further questions (common FAQ's)
    Basically, the purpose of this procedure was to try and get the specific muscles that are really causing the problem, to relax.  Now, it can take up to 2 weeks for me to get the full benefits of this, however, in addition to the Lidacane, or general anesthetic they used, they also injected some steroids to try and speed up the healing process. My biggest hope, is that my neck will actually start to heal.  He did ask me today if I felt that this was really all because of the accident in February.  I told him that I feel 'Muscle' pain and I also feel 'Bone' pain in my neck.  I really don't know how to describe it any better than that.  I have sharp pain that shoots down into my back.  it shoots across my shoulders to the other side as well.  There are times that if I try and turn my head to look (say to change lanes while driving) that it will actually almost drop me to my knees.  The pain I feel when 'pushing' my limits, is almost always at a steady 7-9, depending on the direction I am trying to look.  Some days are better than others, and now that my medications have changed, I have started to notice a small difference in the last 24 hours.  What makes this so difficult to try and judge, is that a lot of things have changed since I saw my Doctor on Thursday.  Not only did they change my muscle relaxer, but they also proscribed another medication that should help in addition to the muscle relaxer in addition to the other changes.....  Then, four days later, I have injections into my muscles.  I know a large part of this, is taking it one day at a time.  And, without my baby, I wouldn't be doing that!!!
    In addition to my nerve condition, I also injured my right hand by accidentally hitting the engine in the car, when the wrench I was using bused.  I went to the Doctor to confirm that their was no actual break, however, even the doctor was surprised when she was it.   I am trying to take this all one day at a time.  Both my baby and I will continue to heal together.   Hopefully hers is consistently improving and she will no longer be in pain, and hopefully mine won't need anything more than just a normal monthly check up.  :)  Wouldn't that be the life!!!!  I can't wait for the day when we are able to get our paddle boards, and go out on the lake because we are strong enough.  We are coming up with new things to look forward to since I can't do things like Silver Wood Anymore.  I can race Gas Powered Cars, We can get paddle boards (I stand to much for canoes) however we haven't completely ruled the idea of some Canoes out yet.  The plus side to the Paddle Board, is its meant for me to stand....or, if I really wanted a break, I could sit, or even lay down for a relaxing float too!!!  Christina and I were thinking/talking about it, and even Thor would most likely enjoy long as he can be near me, hes happy.   We even found some Paddle Boards that were not Overly expensive (less than $700) which just proves that dreams CAN come true!!!!   lol....  Well, now that we have listed some of our goals, I will continue updating the Blog as we are able to achieve some of these dreams!!!!!  We have figured out that with each other, our friends and family that support us....we will be able to achieve each and every goal and dream we set for ourselves.     Thank you all so much for reading, and supporting the journey that my love and I face!  Peace & Love!!!!
4/24/2013 08:16:40 am

I love the fact that you guys have goals to achieve through this rather than focusing on what you can't really do anymore. Its inspiring! I hope you both continue to heal steadily and get much stronger and healthy. I long for the day that I don't end up worrying about you guys being in so much pain that you can barely live your lives. Love you both! All my thoughts and prayers to you!

Tanda Pederson
4/24/2013 08:20:44 am

We can't wait!!!! Wanna learn with us? We also want to get the gas powered cars like Brad and Dan had! We can't wait to find other things to do!! You could learn with us!!!


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