So......I've been on a LOA for a week or 2 now, and I'm still waiting on the next set of nerve blocks.   She (my doctor) thinks the RSD is moving.  We aren't exactly sure where or even why it's moving, but we think it's, other cause of the surgery or cause of when we got rear ended.  The nerve block I'm getting scheduled for is to hopefully stop the nausea.   Lately, the toes on my right foot can't be bent forward at all and my left foot/heal feels like I'm walking on bone.  We aren't sure what the problem is yet, however I'm extremely grateful for the time off I've been given.  I can definitely tell if I've done too much in 1 day, cause if so, I'm miserable for the next 3 or 4 days......sometimes longer.  What I wouldn't give for 1 day without pain.....then....I actually think about that and if it all went away for a day....then came back.....I think that's more than I could mentally handle....

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