Well, the next step was figuring out how to treat this condition.  I still didn't have health insurance, and I was still going through some personal issues that were effecting the healing of my arm.   These "issues" caused me to have 2 additional casts cut off.  The doctors never tried to force me to tell them what was going on, but I knew they had their doubts.  Instead of lecturing me about the things I wouldn't change, the lectured me about Smoking Cigarettes.  Each and Every doctor that I came in contact with, Told me Over and Over again how bad Smoking was.  At one point, the doctors even tried telling me that smoking was causing my specific condition to deteriorate.  I found that to be quite funny, because this specific specialist didn't believe in RSD or CRPS.  He said that was just like Fibromyalgia.  He said conditions like that don't exist.  I asked him what 'condition' I had the smoking made worse....and he just walked out mumbling something about "Practicing Medicine not being a joking matter, and I wasn't taking him seriously".  Needless to say..he didn't stay my doctor for long!  He was the first "Anesthesiologist" I had been referred to for "Ganglion Stellate Nerve Blocks". 

The purpose of these Nerve Blocks, as it was originally described to me, was to "Reset" the nerve settings.  The Doctors compared it to resetting an electronic device such as a computer.   They said, by 'resetting' these connections, the RSD or the pain signals may stop.  I was Extremely excited, because up until now, I had been told there was no cure.  At the time, I took a friend of mine with me, as it was considered an Out Patient Procedure, so they wouldn't let me leave without seeing that I had a driver.  So, my friend and I are taken back into the Surgery Department at Sacred Heart in Spokane, and the nurse takes my vitals, and starts explaining the paperwork that I was given.  She then tells me the Anesthesiologist will be right in.  I'm now starting to become more & more nervous.  Well, finally the Anesthesiologist comes in and introduces himself.  He was definitely not well known for his bedside manor!  Anyway, he is the first Doctor I've even been to, that actually wheeled the Skeleton over, and used that in his explanation.  He explained to me exactly where the injection would be given, he explained that he would be going through my voice box, and since I would be awake through the entire procedure, no matter what it was IMPERATIVE that I didn't move, otherwise, I could be paralyzed from the neck down.  I had to sign a piece of paper stating I would no sue him or the hospital if I became paralyzed or for any other negative reaction to this procedure.  I was stupid enough to do it!!!

    So, after all the paperwork was signed, checked by the nurse, then checked again by the Doctor, they had me lay down on a stainless steel table.  My friend was sitting in a chair in the room just watching.  Well, the size of the needle and syringe for this procedure is huge.  As they started the first injection, my friend started to pass out.  The Nurse & the Doctor stepped away from the table where I was laying with the needle partially inserted into my neck...Mind you...they had told me not to talk because the needle was going through my voice box.  All I could do to get their attention, was slam my hand against the metal table!  The nurse nonchalantly came walking back over!!  "WHAT THE H**L?!?!?!?!?!"  Was all I could think!   I swear on my mom's ashes that the above really happened!  (If I still talked to Billy - my friend that was there - I would have her confirm it!) Well, out of 12 Nerve Blocks, that was the only time something scary happened during the procedure, however I always went alone after that though... Anyways, I got those Nerve Blocks every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 3 weeks.  Immediately after the Nerve Block, I would walk 4 blocks to my Physical Therapist office, and we would do some intense Physical Therapy.  It was amazing the difference during the 4-6 hours immediately after the block.  I could make a fist, and do every challenge they put in front of me at Physical Therapy.  Then, once it would wear off, I was back to being miserable again.  Those Nerve Blocks helped me get a lot of my movement back in not only my hand and my fingers, but my elbow and my shoulder as well! The P.T. I was seeing was specifically a hand P.T.  The office I went to specialized in hands.  I would refer anybody in the Spokane area (even if you have to drive 30-50 miles)!!!  They are amazing...they care about their patients, and the owner is there on a daily basis depending on which location you go to.  He has a very high standard for his employee's, and I think part of his requirements are that they must care for their patients!  If your P.T. is out, one of the others will pick up, and take just as good care of you as your own would.  They all work together to ensure you (the patient) is getting the most out of their treatment.   The Name of this place is called "Spokane Occupational & Hand Therapy".  You can click here to meet the Physical Therapists in the Spokane area.  John Hatcher is the Owner and Kari Bowton was my Physical Therapist....if you are in the Spokane Area, I would HIGHLY recommend this Business again!  When I thought I was going to be sent to Physical Therapy again, even though I live 150 miles away (one direction) I would have asked to be referred to them.  That's how much everything they did for me all those years ago, meant, and still means to this day!  Kari is the only Physical Therapist I have ever been to, and I recommend her & this business anytime I speak to somebody with a Hand Injury and they are being referred to P.T.  The only reason I started receiving help, is because of Kari!!!!  I still to this day, want to go in, and touch base with her.  I would like her to see where I am now, and how far I've come.  She hasn't seen me in years. She hasn't seen me since 2007 or around that time. 

    Well....That's all for now!!  I'm gonna go take a shower, and meet my baby for lunch!!!  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!  Hope you have an amazing day and never forget....There's always Hope...Never Give Up!!!!  Keep fighti

2/24/2013 05:36:35 am

"Keep Fighting". Sorry...not sure why it cut me off at the end. :)


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