So, In a previous blog, I mentioned that I was going to have a procedure to hopefully stop the muscle spasms.  Well, my girlfriend ended up having surgery the same day, so we had to cancel.  We had to be in Spokane by 6 am for her check in.  My appointment was scheduled for 2 p.m. in Kennewick WA.  We knew it was going to be tight to try and get both in, however we were not given any options.  When I saw my Doctor, he said he wanted to get me in as soon as possible which ended up being 3 weeks out.  Then, when we saw her Doctor, Tuesday was the only option, and they scheduled her in before his 1st surgery.  They figured it would only take about an hour but it ended up taking over 2 hours.  I was quite concerned actually, and nobody was telling me anything.  It was kind of a blessing in disguise because I have been having to help her get up and down.  If I had done the procedure, even if it had helped, chances are, it wouldn't have worked as well, or lasted as long.  Trust....I wouldn't want it any other way.  If this actually helps her, then its all worth it!  Once she is healed, I will reschedule my appointment and we will hopefully get the most out of it.  My girlfriend and I have realized that my shoes are having a huge affect on my pain as well.  I looked at the soles of my shoes, and I very much walk on the outside edge of my feet.  Also, the heals are extremely worn down also on the outside edges.  We've already tried some insoles for them, and they don't seem to help at all.  The issue is...I have a hard time spending money on expensive clothing, shoes or accessories for myself.  But, like my baby the long run, I'm actually spending about the same.  Cheap shoes are only lasting about 2 or 3 months.  the last time we bought Sketchers for me, they lasted like 6 months and then I stopped wearing them because they were the Shape Ups, and my Doctor said they were probably increasing my back pain as well.  The reason I liked them so much, was that they were so cushioned inside!!!  It felt like I was standing on clouds!!!  I wish I could find a pair of shoes that feel like that on the inside, without being Shape Ups!!!  That would be Ideal!!!  I'm not sure...I just know we need to figure something out.  After having my shoes on for an hour, my feet ache and my back starts throbbing.  I hate it!!!  But...right now, the main focus is getting my baby back on her feet.  I really hope and pray that this surgery actually helped solve her pain issue!!!
4/24/2013 06:58:38 am

The reason I posted this today, even though it was wrote closer to the End of March, is because I was starting a new post today. Please forgive me in the delay of posting this, and I will be writing about today's procedure, and the effects I've felt so far. Thank you!!! Tanda


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