"If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds."
-------  Jesse Jackson
The quote above is actually something that I just found today....but it actually explains how I have tried to live my life since the day I broke my hand.  I will NEVER forget that day, and I'm sure my best friend won't either.  There was a huge argument, some Domestic Violence happening, then, when I finally couldn't take it anymore, and my family was being threatened....I snapped and Punched a wall.  Little known to me (until I actually hit the wall) there was a Brick Chimney behind this wall that had never been removed.  They just covered it up with the Plaster of Paris and made it look like it was always there.  Well, since that day, I have really had to change how I dealt with frustration.  Before, anytime I had so much emotion built up inside me, and I didn't know how to release it, I would just punch something.  However, until that fateful day on March 7th, I had never broke anything by punching a wall, or whatever to release my tension.  Well....since that day, I have been protecting my right hand like I never knew or thought was possible.  Well, on this last Saturday (not yesterday) I was trying to do some work on my girlfriends car, when the wrench broke, and my hand shot forward (in a punching motion) and slammed into the intake of the engine.  Hence...it felt as though I busted my hand again.  So, we wanted until Monday (because I'm stubborn and I don't like doctors messing with my Right hand.  Most of the time they don't believe me when I am telling them my pain, or they just think I want pain meds.  Well, little do they all know...pain meds don't really work for my hand....its NERVE PAIN!!!!  So, we went to see our Primary on Monday.  When she saw it, she immediately sent me for X-Ray's.  When the results came back, to both our surprise, it was not broken.  She asked me if I wanted any meds, and I said no.  She advised that I just take some IB Prophen to help with the swelling, and if I wasn't feeling better in 2 weeks, to come back.  Well, I wore the brace for about 2 days...then that was enough of that.  With the RSD, the reduced movement really increases the pain at a steady rate.  I would rather feel the pain from moving the Sprained/painful area, than I would have increased pain from lack of movement, increased skin sensitivity due to the Nerve issues....No thank you!!!  I'd rather just suck it up, even after finding out about the possibility of a Hairline fracture.     The more I've been moving it, the better Its been feeling, so the more I've been doing with it. 
    Well, on Thursday, I really wanted to mow the lawn, but due to the weather, and the fact that I was really hurting.  We decided to wait until Friday because then I could have 'my weekend' to rest and recover.  Plus, on Friday, Christina could help as well.   So....after work on Friday, that was exactly the plan!  She came and picked me up at work because the Kia that I was trying to fix, still isn't' working, therefore we are down to one car.  So....on Saturday, when we get home from picking me up, we decided to mow the lawn.  Well, it was the first time our lawn had been mowed all season, as we just got the lawn mower back the previous weekend. 
    So, instead of just starting up the lawn mower, I wanted to adjust the wheels.  I was attempting to raise the front wheels, so that it would me much more effective, quicker, and easier to mow for the first time.  Well.... the front right side was easy.  So were both back wheels.  The front left wheel on the other hand,  was a WHOLE DIFFERENT BALL GAME!!!!  It was broken.  I didn't realize it was broken.  So, as I was trying to forcefully push it backwards, it snapped, my finger slipped, and I got quite the deep cut on my Right Index finger.  Part is just a Shallow cut, but as it goes towards the other side, it just keeps getting deeper.  Well, since we are both Medical Assistants, there was no point in going to the doctor.  We decided to clean it and bandage it at home.  The only part I was starting to worry about, was getting the Bleeding to stop, as it was bleeding alot.  My girlfriend is So Smart!!!  She went and grabbed a Cup of flour, and dumped it on my finger.  I kid you not, the bleeding stopped in about 5 seconds!!!!  We allowed it to just sit like that for about 10 minutes or so, then we started the cleaning and bandaging process.  We did AWESOME!!!  
Now, we figured that would actually be the end of the eventful weekend.  Boy we were mistaken!!!  I left work about 1:30 on Saturday after everything was finished at work, and I was really hurting.  When I am hurting that bad, I'm also beyond exhausted, so I decided to come home early.  We decided we were going to cuddle up on the couch, and just rest and relax the remainder of the day away.  Well.....yesterday was especially windy, and the tree in our front yard has some issues.    As we were sitting on the couch under the blanket watching a show, we heard this VERY loud Popping and it sounded like somebody was beating on our door...or bouncing a basket ball off the door...so Christina quickly got up to see what happened.  She Immediately, and calmly (at first) said "Baby....You need to call Justin.  There is a tree on our car!"  Well, I jump off the couch and RUN outside.....Sure as Shit, a huge branch had busted and was laying on our white 2012 Chevy Sonic!!!!!  I Swear that I am telling the truth!!! 
This is the Car from the front....Doesn't show it all yet though....

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