So.....I have decided that I am only getting certain symptoms of the RSD in my right leg.   Sometimes it changes color, sometimes its swells, sometimes it feels like my skin is being burned or peeled/ripped off.  Today I shaved my legs.....that was about 6 hours ago and it STILL feels that way.   I know its just crazy nerves, cause it starts down below my ankle bone, and runs up the outside of my right leg almost up to my knee.   Since my surgery, walking/standing has been my saving grace, however with the recent pain from my foot to my knee has even made that miserable half the time.    I hope and pray that it isn't/doesn't turn into full blown RSD....I don't want the entire right side of me to feel this way.  If you've had a messed up leg before, you can understand the way the 'good' leg begins to shirt from the extra weight/work that side is doing..... Its a catch 22 to use any device (knee brace, walking stick, etc....) as it actually weakens the limb.   Well, I used a knee brace at times, and a walking stick at times.....when it was REALLY bad, I used both.....however now I'm not using either.   I didn't fight the RSD in my arm by bracing it or not using it.....that'll make it worse! miserable as it may be, I'm just taking it one day at a time, taking it slow, lots and lits of breaks if I have to do anything.   I've learned when I'm pushing it to far, so I'm not sick.   Still get extremely nauseated, but I am learning where the 'breaking' point of no return is.   It takes me a lot longer to get very simple tasks done, however, I still do it and to me, that's the important part.   If every day was the same, this may not be so hard because I could find a routine/schedule to work around this.....BUT everyday is different so I don't know what to expect except pain.   I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday, so I'll write more after that.     Thank you all for your continued support & understanding!!!!!!!
Swelling and Red, blotchy patches.
Just ONE of the Red, dry patches. Ypu can also see the skin and nail changes....
Blotchy patches and swelling in my knee. This was after the ice and IB Prophen for swelling.
The pics done show you how bad it is very well, however you can see some of it.  I will hopefully have more info soon!!!!    In the mean time I'm doing research about When, why, where and What causes RSD to move.  I'll post a link to any other information I find about it.